The roller of Pax s90 printer is one of the consumable parts of Pax mobile card readers. Pax s90 printer roller failure can occur for a variety of reasons.
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Pax roller printer s90

The roller of Pax s90 printer is one of the consumable parts of Pax mobile card readers.

Pax s90 printer roller failure can occur for a variety of reasons.

Replacement of this part by non-experts in the field of card reader repairs is also possible, but requires great care.

When buying pax s90 printer rollers, be sure to ensure the health of the side spines to prevent damage to your pose.

Price: 100,000 Tomans

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Pax roller printer s90

The roller of Pax s90 printer is one of the consumable parts of Pax mobile card readers.

Pax s90 printer roller failure can occur for a variety of reasons.

Replacement of this part by non-experts in the field of card reader repairs is also possible, but requires great care.

When buying pax s90 printer rollers, be sure to ensure the health of the side spines to prevent damage to your pose.

Price: 100,000 Tomans